
Showing posts with the label What is Dementia Risk Calculator

What is Dementia Risk Calculator? Calculator Help To Predict The Risk of Mental Illness (Dementia)

The Ottawa Hospital, the Bruyere Research Institute, the University of Ottawa, and ICES Canadian researchers have developed and validated an online calculator that enables individuals 55 and above that to a better understanding of their health of the brain. Not only this, but the calculator also informs that how they can lessen their risk of being ascertained with the mental illness (Dementia) in the upcoming five years. The entire process was issued in the Journal Of Epidemiology and Community Health and now you all must be wants to know that where this calculator is available. So this calculator is accessible at What Is Dementia? Dementia is a cognitive disorder or in other words, it is a general term used for loss of memory, problem-solving, language, and many other thinking abilities that are acute enough to hinder daily life. The most common cause of this disorder is Alzheimer’s. The symptoms of Dementia:- Problems with short-term memory, Paying bills, rememberi